U wont get it later....
i have this gut feeling to get famous 1 day so i might not have much time....vaise frens k liye i always have time....however...kya pata? genuinely nahi mile toh.....
so here are 100 questions underneath which i need to answer....on serious notes...i just wanted to see ...Will I be Honest in answering these personal things...Lets see...
Kissed your cousin: No.
Ran away: Yeah ....I still do.. :)
Pictured your crush naked: See i knew this quiz isnt that easy....Yes...!!
Skipped school: Innumerous times ...Stomach ache...headache...toothache...achyache
Broken someone's heart: May be..but if he/she had...
Been in love: Yes m in LOVE...
Cried when someone died: Yes. I cried when my close fren, grandparents and the closest person to me died...i still cry at nights for them...this phase is the hardest...
Kissed your cousin: No.
Ran away: Yeah ....I still do.. :)
Pictured your crush naked: See i knew this quiz isnt that easy....Yes...!!
Skipped school: Innumerous times ...Stomach ache...headache...toothache...achyache
Broken someone's heart: May be..but if he/she had...
Been in love: Yes m in LOVE...
Cried when someone died: Yes. I cried when my close fren, grandparents and the closest person to me died...i still cry at nights for them...this phase is the hardest...
I howled last night too missing someone veri veri close to me...
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes.Hell..
Broken a bone: A partial fracture .... donno..frget it
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes.Hell..
Broken a bone: A partial fracture .... donno..frget it
Done something embarrasing: Yes followed with regrets
Lied: Those who say we dun lie...Are lying...!!
Cried in school: I what???? Cried???? I howled.!!!.
Coke or Pepsi: Kuch bhi Chalega..i dun get the difference till date
Sprite or 7UP: Same as above
Girls or Guys: 1 guy and a Bunch of Girls will do for me
I donno what u r thinking...But Iam thinking right
Flowers or Candy: Both
M greedy
Scruff or Clean shaved: Well...Rudded look for my guy
Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette, cz Iam one.
Bitchy or Slutty: Bitchy...
Tall or Short: Shorter if it is a girl....Taller if it is a guy
Pants or Shorts: Both at the right timings
Night or Day: Night, for most things.
What do you notice first: Attitude and Looks
Last person you slow danced with: Meet...( dil ko tumse pyaar hua )
Worst Question To Ask: Bring it on....i dont have much regrets...so ASK...( it could be difficult but not worst )
Showered: A few hours hours ago.
Had Sex: Another one...may be this is one of the worst question but not difficult for me...NOT YET.
Romantic memory: My darling's Birthday this year
WHAT IS (your favourite)...
Your Good Luck Charm: My close ones Pics in my wallet
Person You Hate Most: Well no one in particular...Any one who is dumb, mean, a hypocrite...I hate people for a moment coz i try find their bright sides too...So cant hate anyone forever...but i have seen devils on earth so may be All rapists, Murderers...Heartless people...!
Best Thing That Has Happened: Meet
On your desk: Right now i can figure out My friends pictures, Lord budha, some books, Candles, Dictionary...pens n so on
Picture on your desktop: My idol's picture
Movie: Clueless
Artist: Enrique
Lied: Those who say we dun lie...Are lying...!!
Cried in school: I what???? Cried???? I howled.!!!.
Coke or Pepsi: Kuch bhi Chalega..i dun get the difference till date
Sprite or 7UP: Same as above
Girls or Guys: 1 guy and a Bunch of Girls will do for me
Flowers or Candy: Both
Scruff or Clean shaved: Well...Rudded look for my guy
Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette, cz Iam one.
Bitchy or Slutty: Bitchy...
Tall or Short: Shorter if it is a girl....Taller if it is a guy
Pants or Shorts: Both at the right timings
Night or Day: Night, for most things.
What do you notice first: Attitude and Looks
Last person you slow danced with: Meet...( dil ko tumse pyaar hua )
Worst Question To Ask: Bring it on....i dont have much regrets...so ASK...( it could be difficult but not worst )
Showered: A few hours hours ago.
Had Sex: Another one...may be this is one of the worst question but not difficult for me...NOT YET.
Romantic memory: My darling's Birthday this year
WHAT IS (your favourite)...
Your Good Luck Charm: My close ones Pics in my wallet
Person You Hate Most: Well no one in particular...Any one who is dumb, mean, a hypocrite...I hate people for a moment coz i try find their bright sides too...So cant hate anyone forever...but i have seen devils on earth so may be All rapists, Murderers...Heartless people...!
Best Thing That Has Happened: Meet
On your desk: Right now i can figure out My friends pictures, Lord budha, some books, Candles, Dictionary...pens n so on
Picture on your desktop: My idol's picture
Movie: Clueless
Artist: Enrique
Cars: I Just love cars....Porche
Ice Cream: Chocolate and Blackcurrent
Season: the current one
Breakfast Food: I hate breakfast...Mostly sleeping when its breakfast time...so its Brunch for me.
Makes you laugh the most: Some Friends....
Makes you smile: My mumma..
Can make you feel better no matter what: Meet
Has A Crush On You: I think there are a couple of guys
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: No...
Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: Girls
Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Define funny????
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: Yeah Many nights waiting for my baby's call when he is late
Save MSN conversations: Not now...I used to do all these things an year ago
Save E-mails: Yeah, I don't usually delete emails.
Forward secret E-mails: I hate e-mails...I dun go check my inbox for months n months.
Wish you were someone else: NO WAY but yeah wish for a better life...with more caring and honest people around
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Nope.
Perfume: J.Lo
Kiss: I just love kissing...lol...
Cuddle: I love to cuddle ... i love all the mushy mushy stuff.
Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: A few times... I din count the hours...May be...!!
Fallen for your best friend?: I don't really have a 'best' friend.
Made out with JUST a friend?: Nooooo
Kissed two people in the same day?: lol No...intersting though
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Ewww noooo.
Been rejected: Ahhh...yes...In an interview.... :) I messed it up...!
Been in love?: Yes yes yes..M IN LOVE....:P
Been in lust?: yeah
Used someone?: Yes ... in order to take revenge.
Been used?: Yes....my theory says...there are two classes of people....
Kissed two people in the same day?: lol No...intersting though
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Ewww noooo.
Been rejected: Ahhh...yes...In an interview.... :) I messed it up...!
Been in love?: Yes yes yes..M IN LOVE....:P
Been in lust?: yeah
Used someone?: Yes ... in order to take revenge.
Been used?: Yes....my theory says...there are two classes of people....
1) to get used 2) who USE people
but this theory is not included in USE N THROW types....!
Cheated on someone?: No.
Been cheated on?: yeah yeah hehe...Unforgettable
Been kissed?: Yes.
Done something you regret?: Yeah been friends with wrong people
You touched?: Me
You talked to?: Mommie
You hugged?: Meet
You instant messaged?: someone known as Ricky...an Orkut fren.
You kissed?: Meet who else? n lately a peck on Mommie's cheeks...mwahhhh yummy
You yelled at?: Meet...half of the day yesterday was venting out my frustation...m feeling guilty n like a Bi*ch
You thought about?: Umm...Myself (Iam selfish)
Who text messaged you?: Meet asking bout my well being as m not well
Who broke your heart?: A so called 'friend' she turned out to be a real Hypocrite
Who told you they loved you?: Many people loves me
Doubt who all were faking and who all said it from the core of their hearts
Color your hair?: Nope. I did it once...in school...Color is too bad...I love it natural. I love black
Have tattoos?: No...waiting to get one angel near my ankle
Have piercings?: yeah..3-4
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: hell yessss
Own a webcam?: Ya...but kharaab hai...:(
Own a thong?: lol...lets check out the cupboard
Ever get off the damn computer?: Tough but manage to do
Sprechen Sie Deutch? yes...i know German..Ich spreche Deutch
Habla espanol?: i just know this is Spanish but i Donno spanish....lets fly off to SPAIN..he he
Quack?: Yeah pagal hu mai ....i do every random thing...quack quack quack
Stolen anything?: What????? NO NO NO
Who broke your heart?: A so called 'friend' she turned out to be a real Hypocrite
Who told you they loved you?: Many people loves me
Color your hair?: Nope. I did it once...in school...Color is too bad...I love it natural. I love black
Have tattoos?: No...waiting to get one angel near my ankle
Have piercings?: yeah..3-4
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: hell yessss
Own a webcam?: Ya...but kharaab hai...:(
Own a thong?: lol...lets check out the cupboard
Ever get off the damn computer?: Tough but manage to do
Sprechen Sie Deutch? yes...i know German..Ich spreche Deutch
Habla espanol?: i just know this is Spanish but i Donno spanish....lets fly off to SPAIN..he he
Quack?: Yeah pagal hu mai ....i do every random thing...quack quack quack
Stolen anything?: What????? NO NO NO
Smoke?: Nope.. there are better ways to DIE.
Obsessive?: Self Obsessed
Obsessive?: Self Obsessed
Compulsive?: Not really. o. 
Panic?: Occasionally....
Anxiety?: Lasst night
Depressed?: Reasonably....!!
Panic?: Occasionally....
Anxiety?: Lasst night
Depressed?: Reasonably....!!
What do u love??
Small things like a sweet message from a Sweet friend telling that he/she cares, Coffee, Popcorns, Music, My babie, Laptop...
Confession: M very Pissed off right noww...see yaa
Nice of you to give honest replies mostly. You seem to be well balanced.
Take care
hehe thnkss Jack
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